Iceland is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. One minute you’re staring at lush, green farmland, and the next minute you find yourself in an otherworldly landscape, feeling like you’re on another planet. Fjords, glaciers, black sand beaches, and lava fields are just a few of Iceland’s unbelievably diverse landscapes. The majority of Iceland is pretty remote. The country’s largest city, Reykjavik, holds 130,00 of Iceland’s 350,000 residents. The means that there is an abundance of natural beauty to take in during your visit. But how could you possibly see it all? One way is to book guided tours. The best way, though, is to rent your own vehicle and explore this wild land on your own. So, whether you use Reykjavik as a home base, or set off on the road trip of a lifetime, here are 15 things everyone needs to know before driving in Iceland.
1. Right Side Of The Road
If You are traveling from the US, you’ll be happy to know that Icelanders drive on the same side of the road as we do. If you are traveling from a country where you drive on the left, be sure to make some mental adjustments when driving in Iceland, especially when it comes to one-way streets and looking in the right direction for oncoming traffic!
2. Do Not Speed
You better obey the speed limits when driving through Iceland. Traffic cameras set up on the sides of the road will bust speedy drivers without them even knowing it. The fines for speeding are steep. The Icelandic government will track you down through your rental car company with a hefty fine and a picture of you caught in the act. This is not the kind of souvenir you want. Slow down and enjoy the views!

3. Do Not Stop In The Road For Pictures
One thing you’ll notice while driving in Iceland is that most roads do not have shoulders like they do in the US. So, there isn’t always room to pull over and snap a picture of the gorgeous scenery. However, at popular photo stops, you will often find a gravel space to pull off the road that has been constructed. Don’t stop in the middle of the road. Wait until you find a safe space to pull over and get out of your car before taking any pictures. Otherwise, you may end up being rear-ended by another vehicle, and that can seriously ruin your day!
4. Rent Your Vehicle In Advance
When you’re driving through Iceland, you will notice RVs and camper vans everywhere. It’s no secret that self-driving tourism is extremely popular in Iceland. So, whether you rent an RV, camper van, SUV, or compact car, you’ll want to book it as far in advance as possible. You would hate to travel all the way to Iceland only to discover there were no rental cars available!

Touching Two Continents At Once!
Put your drysuit on. We’re going scuba diving in Iceland!
5. Do you need 4WD?
Iceland is a rough and rugged country. The same can be said about many of its roads. If you’re sticking to the Golden Circle, South Coast, and Ring Road, you probably won’t need a vehicle with 4 wheel drive. If you plan on exploring the more remote parts of Iceland, though, you might want to consider an SUV with 4wd. Sometimes it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!
6. Roads Closures
The roads in Iceland take a real beating through the harsh arctic winters. SO, when the sun finally returns, and the snow melts away, road construction is fast and furious throughout the country. Road closures are frequent, and google maps can’t always keep up with all of the changes. Use road.is to keep you up to date and all road conditions throughout Iceland.

7. High Winds!
Iceland has notoriously strong winds. Sometimes, you can barely open your car door because the winds are so strong. However, if it’s blowing the other direction, you might open your door and have the wind bend it completely backward. You do not want to have to replace a car door, and you really do not want to have to drive back to the rental agency with your door wide open and bent in the wrong direction! Always hold on to the door handle, and your hat, when getting out of the car.
High winds can be a serious danger when driving in Iceland. If the winds get too strong, and you’re afraid you can’t keep your car on the road, find a safe place to pull over and wait until they pass.
8. Fill Up With Gas
Fill your tank up with gas whenever you can. The farther from Reykjavik you go, the fewer gas stations you come across. There are long stretches of road in remote parts of the island without a gas station in sight. SO, if you see one, pull over and fill up, even if you’re not close to empty yet. Trust me. You do not want to run out of gas in the middle of nowhere during your vacation.

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9. Gas Is Expensive
Food, alcohol, and hotels are expensive in Iceland. So is gas. Typically priced at over $2.00 per liter, a gallon of gas will run you anywhere from $6.00-$8.00. No wonder Teslas are so popular in Iceland!
10. Don’t Forget Snacks & Water
Again, you will find long stretches of roads with nowhere to stop for gas, food, or drinks when you’re driving in Iceland. Before you head off on a lengthy drive, be sure you grab a few snacks and a bottle of water or coffee to keep you going.
11. Traffic Lights
One of the things I liked the most about driving in Iceland was a major difference in their traffic light system. When you sit at a red light, you will get a little warning just before the light turns green. The yellow light will illuminate briefly, meaning that for a second or two, both the red and yellow lights are lit up at the same time. This is your clue that the light is about to turn green. It definitely threw me off at first, but it really does help reduce the number of people sitting still after the light has turned green.

12. Headlights On
When driving in Iceland, it is required by law to have your headlights on at all times. If you notice the locals are flashing their lights at you, they’re probably telling you to turn on your headlights!
13. Turn Signals
Up until the recent tourism boom, Iceland was a pretty uncrowded and slow-paced part of the world. Some things were always just allowed to slide because they weren’t a huge deal on sparsely populated roads. Perfect example, the turn signal. Without many cars on the road, Icelanders never got in the habit of using their turn signals. And many of them still have not picked up that habit today. Stay alert for cars changing lanes or making turns without a turn signal. Not everyone uses them here!
14. Roundabouts
Icelandic roads are full of roundabouts. They are a great way to keep the flow of traffic without having to come to a complete stop. If you don’t have much experience with them, don’t worry, you’ll be a pro by the time you’re done driving in Iceland. However, one big thing to be aware of is that in inside lane always has the right-of-way when exiting a roundabout. This prevents a ton of accidents but is something many tourists are completely unaware of.

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15. Parking App
Throughout Reykjavik and at many popular tourist spots, you have to pay for parking. Sometimes even if you visit a free waterfall, for example, you see the falls for free but pay to park. Typically you can pay at a nearby kiosk or make it even easier by downloading the My Parking app used frequently throughout Iceland.
Completing the entire ring road around the island of Iceland is the ultimate bucket-list road trip. But even if you can only drive a small section of the country, you will not be disappointed. Easy to navigate and dramatic landscapes make driving through Iceland the perfect way to experience this truly unique country. Follow these 15 rules, and you’re sure to not only have a Smooth Trip but a memorable one as well!