Essential Tips for Visiting

New York City

Welcome to New York City, The City That Never Sleeps! As locals with years of experience navigating the city’s unique rhythm, we’ve gathered invaluable tips to help you explore the city like a true New Yorker and make your visit as smooth and enjoyable as possible! From the hidden gems that only insiders know about to practical advice on maneuvering through the city’s vibrant and bustling streets, our mission is to enhance your New York experience at every turn.

New York City truly is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and traditions, making it an exciting and dynamic place to visit. However, with its fast-paced lifestyle and immense population, navigating the city can be a bit overwhelming. Understanding the local norms – whether it’s knowing how to walk on the sidewalks, tipping appropriately, or how to interact with New Yorkers – can greatly enhance your experience and help you fit right in. Let us give you our essential tips on getting around NYC and understanding some of its most important customs and etiquette, ensuring you feel confident and prepared to make the most of your time in the city. Whether you’re riding the subway, taking a taxi, or just exploring the streets, these guidelines will help you navigate the city with confidence and ease!

Embrace The Hustle

New York City is known for its fast-paced, high-energy environment – a defining characteristic that makes it unlike any other place in the world. As you navigate the city, you’ll quickly notice that New Yorkers are always on the move, often with a sense of urgency. If people seem rushed or brusque, don’t take it personally – we are just focused on getting to our destination! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle, but instead of resisting it, try to embrace it as part of the authentic NYC experience. This city thrives on efficiency and speed, so blend in by moving with purpose, whether you’re crossing a street, entering a subway car, or simply walking down the avenue. Once you match the rhythm of the city, you’ll find yourself appreciating its unique vibe even more.

Don’t Be A (Sidewalk) Blocker!

In New York, the sidewalks are as busy as the streets, and the flow of pedestrian traffic is taken seriously. To avoid standing out as a tourist (and to stay on the good side of locals), it’s important to keep up with the pace and follow some unspoken rules. Walk quickly or keep to the right side of the sidewalk, allowing speedy New Yorkers to pass you on the left. If you need to stop to check your phone, consult a map, or snap a picture, move to the side to keep the main path clear for others. This rule also applies when riding escalators – stand on the right if you’re not in a hurry, as those rushing to catch the next train will expect to pass on the left. Being mindful of these norms will help you navigate the city like a pro and avoid any unwanted frustration from fellow pedestrians.

Know the Grid System

One of the great things about Manhattan is its mostly organized grid system, which makes navigating the city much easier than in many other large cities. Avenues run north-south (parallel to the Hudson River on the west and East River on the east), while streets run east-west, creating a straightforward layout. Remember, higher street numbers indicate locations further uptown, while lower numbers are closer to downtown. For example, if you’re at 34th Street, going uptown means heading towards 42nd Street, and downtown towards 14th Street. Understanding this grid system can be a game changer, helping you quickly figure out the best route to your destination, whether you’re walking, biking, or taking a cab.

Respect Bike Lanes

New York City is a bike-friendly place, with a network of bike lanes crisscrossing its streets. These lanes are crucial for the city’s cyclists, including the many food delivery riders who zip through the city at all hours. It’s important to always be aware of bike lanes when you’re out and about. Before crossing a street and getting out of cars, take a moment to check for oncoming bicycles – many cyclists move quickly, and a collision could be both painful and embarrassing. Never walk, stand, or block a bike lane, as this can cause serious accidents and disrupt the flow of traffic. Respecting bike lanes is not only about safety; it’s about being courteous to the many New Yorkers who rely on bikes to navigate the city.

Download Helpful Apps

In a city as vast and complex as New York, having the right tools can make your visit much smoother. Apps like Google Maps, NYC Subway, and the official MTA app are invaluable for navigating public transportation and getting around the city efficiently. These apps provide real-time updates on subway and bus schedules, suggest the quickest routes, and offer alternative options if there are delays or service changes. They also help you find your way when walking or biking, ensuring you always know where you are and where you’re going. By downloading these apps before your trip, you’ll be equipped to tackle NYC’s transportation system like a local.

Bike Rentals and Citi Bike

Exploring New York by bike is a fantastic way to see the city from a different perspective, and Citi Bike, the city’s bike-sharing program, makes it easy and convenient. With stations located throughout Manhattan and the outer boroughs, you can grab a bike for a quick ride or a leisurely exploration of neighborhoods, parks, and waterfronts. Citi Bike is affordable, with various pricing options to suit short rides or longer rentals. If you’re looking for a more guided experience, there are also bike tour companies that offer curated rides through iconic areas like Central Park or the Brooklyn Bridge. Biking not only lets you cover more ground but also gives you the freedom to explore at your own pace.

Check The Weather

New York City’s weather can be unpredictable, and it’s essential to be prepared for whatever Mother Nature has in store. Whether you’re visiting in the heat of summer, the chill of winter, or the transitional seasons of spring and fall, checking the weather forecast before you head out each day is crucial. Pack an umbrella for sudden showers, sunscreen for sunny days, and layers to adapt to changing temperatures. If it’s winter, don’t forget gloves, a scarf, and a warm coat, as the city’s winds can be brisk. Being prepared for the weather ensures that your plans aren’t derailed, and you can enjoy everything the city has to offer, rain or shine.

New York City Taxi Tips

Navigating New York City by taxi is a quintessential part of the urban experience, offering a convenient and efficient way to travel across the city. Whether you’re heading to a business meeting, catching a show, or exploring different neighborhoods, hailing a classic yellow cab can save time and provide a unique perspective on the city streets.

To help you make the most of your taxi rides, we’ve compiled a list of essential tips to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience. From knowing when and where to catch a cab to understanding fare structures and taxi etiquette, these insights will have you riding like a seasoned New Yorker in no time.

Understand Taxi Light Signals

Hailing a taxi in New York City is a skill that’s easier once you know the light signals. If you see a taxi with its center light on, that means the cab is available and ready to pick up passengers. If all the lights are off, the taxi is already occupied. And if just the side lights are on, the cab is off duty and won’t be stopping for passengers. Understanding these signals can save you time and frustration, especially when you’re trying to catch a cab during busy hours or in the rain. With this knowledge, you’ll be flagging down a taxi with confidence.

Enter and Exit Curbside

When getting into or out of a taxi in New York, safety is paramount. Always enter and exit the vehicle on the curbside to avoid the dangers of oncoming traffic. Even if you need to slide across the back seat to exit safely, it’s worth the effort to avoid stepping into the street. New York cab drivers won’t hesitate to reprimand you if you try to exit on the traffic side, and this simple habit will keep you in their good graces. Also, be sure to check for approaching bicycles before opening the car door, as bike lanes are often right next to the curb, and unexpected door openings can lead to serious accidents.

Understand Pedicabs

Pedicabs, those pedal-powered rickshaws often seen in tourist-heavy areas like Central Park and Times Square, can be a fun and unique way to get around. They’re usually decorated in eye-catching ways, often with colorful lights and music, making them a popular choice for those looking to capture memorable photos. However, be aware that pedicabs can offer a wild ride, and the cost can be significantly higher than other forms of transportation. Prices aren’t always clearly marked, and it’s easy to be caught off guard by the final fare. If you decide to hop on a pedicab, make sure to agree on the price before starting your ride to avoid any surprises.

Use the NYC Ferry

For a scenic and relaxing way to travel around New York, consider using the NYC Ferry system. Essentially a water-based version of the subway, the ferry offers a unique perspective of the city, with stunning views of the skyline, bridges, and waterfronts. It’s a peaceful alternative to the often crowded and noisy subway, especially during peak hours. The ferry routes connect several key neighborhoods, including Wall Street, Brooklyn, and Astoria, making it both a practical and enjoyable mode of transport. Plus, the ride itself becomes part of the adventure, giving you a chance to see the city from a whole new angle.

New York City Subway Tips

The New York City subway is the lifeblood of the city, offering one of the quickest and most efficient ways to get around. With a vast network of lines connecting all five boroughs, the subway is an essential part of any visit to New York. However, navigating the system can be daunting for first-timers and even seasoned travelers.

To help you ride like a local, we’ve compiled a list of essential subway tips. From understanding the map to mastering platform etiquette and timing your rides, these tips will ensure you move through the underground with ease and confidence, making your journey as smooth as possible.

Learn Basic Subway Etiquette

Navigating the New York City subway is an essential part of the urban experience, and knowing the basics of subway etiquette can make your ride smoother and more enjoyable for everyone. Avoid leaning on the poles, as this can prevent others from holding on, especially during crowded times. Keep your bag close to you or on your lap to save space if you are sitting. If standing, remove your backpack and hold it low on crowded trains so that it’s not bumping into the person behind you or taking up much needed room for people to stand in. If you see someone who might need a seat more than you – like an elderly passenger, a pregnant woman, or someone with disabilities – offering your seat is a small gesture that’s greatly appreciated. These considerate actions help create a more pleasant atmosphere on the subway, even during the busiest hours.

Avoid Empty Subway Cars

If you find yourself on a platform during rush hour and notice a subway car that’s surprisingly empty, it’s usually a sign that something is amiss. Whether it’s due to a lack of air conditioning on a hot day or cleanliness issues, it’s often best to choose a more crowded car to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Trust the instincts of seasoned New Yorkers – if everyone’s avoiding that car, there’s probably a good reason for it. This is one of those unwritten rules that can save you from a less-than-ideal subway experience.

Stand Clear of the Closing Doors

When boarding the subway, it’s important to keep the flow of passengers moving smoothly. Always let passengers exit the train before you attempt to board – this helps avoid bottlenecks and keeps everyone moving efficiently. Once you’re on the train, be mindful not to hold the doors open for extended periods, as this can delay the entire train and frustrate other passengers. If you are positioned in front of the doors during your ride, be sure to move aside at station stops to clear the doorway for passengers who are getting on and off. A quick entry or exit keeps the subway running on schedule, benefiting everyone on board.

Have Your MetroCard Or Apple Pay Ready

Before reaching the subway turnstile, make sure you have your MetroCard, OMNY payment method, or Apple Pay ready to go. This small preparation helps avoid delays and keeps the flow of people moving efficiently through the station. Fumbling for your card at the last minute can create a backup at the turnstiles, especially during busy hours. Being prepared ensures that you and those behind you can get where you’re going without unnecessary holdups.

Respect the No-Noise Rule

New Yorkers value their quiet time, especially on public transportation. When riding the subway, it’s important to keep conversations at a low volume, use headphones if you’re listening to music or watching videos, and avoid loud phone calls. The subway can be a noisy environment on its own, so respecting the unwritten rule of maintaining as much quiet as possible is a simple way to show consideration for your fellow passengers. This respect for personal space, even in a crowded car, goes a long way in making the ride more pleasant for everyone.

Avoid Peak Subway Hours

Rush hours in New York (typically 8-10 AM and 4-6 PM) can make the subway system feel overwhelmingly crowded. If your schedule allows, it’s best to plan your travel outside of these peak times for a more comfortable and less stressful experience. Trains are often packed to capacity during rush hour, and you might find yourself standing in close quarters with other commuters (read: bodies smushed up against each other). By traveling during off-peak hours, you’ll likely enjoy a more relaxed ride with more space to yourself, making your journey through the city much more enjoyable.

Safety and Practical Tips for New York City

New York City is an incredible place to explore, but like any major metropolis, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and take practical steps to ensure your safety and comfort. Whether you’re navigating busy streets, using public transportation, or exploring new neighborhoods, having a few key tips in mind can make all the difference.

In this section, we’ll share essential safety and practical advice, from keeping your belongings secure and understanding the best ways to get around, to staying connected and prepared for any situation. With these tips, you can enjoy all that New York has to offer while feeling confident and well-prepared throughout your visit.

Stay Safe at Night

New York City is known for its vibrant nightlife, but it’s important to stay vigilant after dark, especially if you’re exploring unfamiliar areas. Stick to well-lit, busy streets and avoid walking alone in isolated spots. If you’re unsure about the safety of an area or find yourself far from your hotel late at night, it’s better to use a rideshare app or hail a yellow taxi. These options are reliable and help ensure you get back to your destination safely.

Use Official Taxis or Rideshares

When it comes to getting around the city, always opt for official yellow cabs or reputable rideshare services such as Uber or Lyft. These services are regulated, and their drivers are vetted, which significantly enhances your safety. Avoid accepting rides from individuals offering car services on the street, most notably at airports, as these can be unlicensed and potentially unsafe. By sticking to official options, you’ll have a secure and straightforward journey across the city.

Don’t Flash Cash

Carrying cash is sometimes necessary, but in a busy city like New York, it’s best to keep large amounts of money out of sight. Use credit cards or contactless payments wherever possible to minimize the risk of attracting unwanted attention. If you do need to use cash, discreetly take out only what you need, and store the rest securely in your wallet or bag.

Be Prepared for Bag Checks

Security is a priority at many of New York’s attractions, museums, and even some public spaces like train stations. Expect to go through bag checks before entering these locations. To make your experience smoother, travel light and be ready to have your bag inspected. Keeping your belongings organized and easily accessible will help you get through security quickly and hassle-free.

Carry a Portable Charger

In a city as dynamic as New York, your phone is your lifeline for maps, photos, and staying connected. However, all that activity can drain your battery quickly. Carrying a portable charger ensures you won’t run out of juice just when you need it most. Whether you’re navigating through Central Park or capturing the skyline from the Brooklyn Bridge, a portable charger and cable will keep you powered up throughout the day.

Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

New York City is full of exciting distractions, but it’s crucial to stay aware of your surroundings, particularly in crowded areas or unfamiliar neighborhoods. Keep an eye on your belongings, and avoid using your phone while walking to stay alert to what’s happening around you. There are a lot of characters milling about on the streets, if someone looks off, don’t engage or make eye-contact and keep it moving…most of the time they are harmless but you never know! Being mindful of your environment can help you avoid potential issues and make your visit safer and more enjoyable.

Emergency Contacts

Knowing who to contact in case of an emergency is essential when visiting any big city. In New York, dial 911 for emergencies such as medical issues or immediate threats to your safety. For non-emergency city services like reporting a pothole or noise complaint, dial 311. Having these numbers saved in your phone ensures you’re prepared for any situation that might arise during your trip.

Be Mindful of Personal Space

New Yorkers are accustomed to crowded environments, but personal space is still highly valued. Whether you’re in a line, on public transportation, or in a busy market, try to maintain a respectful distance from others. This small courtesy goes a long way in a city where everyone is trying to get somewhere quickly and efficiently.

Be Polite but Assertive

New Yorkers have a reputation for being direct and to the point. If you need assistance, we are happy to help! We are not rude, this is the misconception since we are just focused on our commute to a destination. Don’t hesitate to ask, but be clear and concise in your request as this is a city full of busy and on-the-go people. This approach will help you navigate interactions smoothly and get the help you need without any misunderstandings.

Local Tips & Insights for Exploring New York City

To truly experience New York City like a local, it helps to have some insider knowledge that goes beyond the typical tourist attractions. From discovering hidden gems and knowing the best times to visit popular spots, to understanding the unwritten rules of the city, these local tips and insights will help you explore the city with a deeper appreciation and ease.

In this section, we’ll share valuable advice from seasoned New Yorkers, offering you a unique perspective on how to make the most of your time in the city. Whether you’re looking for the best places to eat, the quickest ways to get around, or simply how to blend in with the crowd, these insights will enhance your NYC experience and help you see the city through the eyes of a local.

Explore Beyond Times Square

Times Square is undoubtedly one of New York City’s most famous landmarks, but to truly experience the city’s diverse culture, it’s essential to explore beyond its neon lights. Venture into neighborhoods like Chelsea, known for its art galleries and the High Line park, or SoHo, where cobblestone streets are lined with trendy boutiques and cafes. The Upper East and West Sides offer a more relaxed atmosphere, with iconic attractions like the American Museum of Natural History, The MET Museum, and Central Park. Each neighborhood has its own unique charm, offering a glimpse into the authentic, everyday life of New Yorkers.

Use Local Delis and Bodegas

New York City’s local delis and bodegas are more than just convenient spots for a quick snack – they’re an integral part of the city’s culture. These small, often family-run shops offer everything from coffee and bagels to made-to-order deli sandwiches, usually at a fraction of the price you’d pay at chain stores. For a true New York experience, grab a classic bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich or a fresh bagel with cream cheese. These local spots provide a taste of the city’s culinary staples and a chance to interact with New Yorkers in their everyday environment.

Check for Events and Festivals

New York City is a hub of cultural and social events, with something happening almost every day of the year. Whether it’s a street fair in the summer, a holiday market in the winter, or a film festival in the fall, there’s always something to discover. Websites like Time Out New York or NYC Tourism are excellent resources for finding out what’s happening during your visit. From food festivals to cultural parades, these events are a fantastic way to immerse yourself in the local scene and experience the city’s vibrant, diverse community.

Take Advantage of Free Activities

Exploring New York City doesn’t have to be expensive. The city offers a wealth of free activities that allow you to experience its culture, history, and beauty without spending a dime. Enjoy a stroll through Central Park, watch street performers in Washington Square Park, or visit museums during their pay-what-you-wish hours. During the warmer months, look out for free outdoor movie screenings, concerts, and theater performances. Researching ahead can help you uncover these hidden gems and make the most of your trip while keeping costs low.

Plan Your Museum Visits

New York City is home to some of the world’s most renowned museums, and with a bit of planning, you can visit them without breaking the bank. Many museums offer pay-what-you-wish entry or free admission on certain days and times. For example, the Museum of Modern Art has free admission on Friday evenings, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art suggests a donation rather than a fixed ticket price for New York State residents and students. Check museum websites for details and plan your visit to take advantage of these opportunities.

Know Where Public Restrooms Are

Finding a public restroom in New York City can be a challenge, but with a little knowledge, you can navigate the city with ease. Department stores like Macy’s, large bookstores like Barnes & Noble, and hotel lobbies often have accessible restrooms. Additionally, parks like Bryant Park and public transportation hubs such as Grand Central Terminal offer clean facilities. For added convenience, apps like “Sit or Squat” can help you locate nearby restrooms, ensuring you’re never caught off guard while exploring the city.

Understand Trash Days

Unlike many cities, Manhattan’s streets don’t have alleyways for garbage collection, so trash bags are often piled on the sidewalks the night before collection day. While this is a normal part of city life, it can be a bit jarring for visitors, especially in the summer when the heat can amplify odors. Be mindful of this as you navigate the streets, especially in the evenings. Understanding this quirk of city life will help you avoid unpleasant surprises and better appreciate the rhythm of daily life in New York.

Enjoy the Rooftops

New York City is famous for its stunning skyline, and one of the best ways to take it all in is from a rooftop bar or restaurant. Whether you’re sipping a cocktail in the heart of Midtown or dining al fresco in the trendy Meatpacking District, rooftop venues offer incredible views of the city from above. Many of these spots feature live music, special events, and seasonal menus, making them the perfect place to unwind and enjoy the urban landscape. Be sure to check out popular rooftops like The Roof at PUBLIC, Mr. Purple, or Refinery Rooftop.

Hidden Gems

While New York City’s major attractions are certainly worth visiting, the city is also full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Explore lesser-known parks like the Cloisters in Fort Tryon Park, find secret speakeasies like Saint Tuesday tucked behind unmarked doors, or visit lesser known museums like Museum of the City of New York, to fully immerse yourself in the history of this great city. These off-the-beaten-path spots offer a more intimate and often surprising perspective on the city, giving you stories to tell that go beyond the usual tourist experiences.

Unique Experiences

New York City is a place where unforgettable experiences are around every corner. From catching a Broadway show in the Theater District to joining a local walking tour that dives deep into the history of specific neighborhoods, there’s always something unique to do. Try a helicopter tour for a bird’s-eye view of the city, or take a food tour through Chinatown to discover the flavors of the city. These experiences are what make New York truly special, offering visitors memories that last a lifetime.

Seasonal Attractions

No matter what time of year you visit, New York City offers seasonal attractions that highlight the best of each season. In the winter, go ice skating in Central Park or at the iconic Rockefeller Center rink. Spring brings the blooming of the cherry blossoms at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, while summer offers outdoor concerts, festivals, and movies under the stars in parks across the city. Fall is perfect for strolling through leafy neighborhoods, visiting pumpkin patches, and enjoying the crisp air. Each season offers its own set of unique activities that showcase the city’s changing beauty.

Insider Dining Tips

New York City is a food lover’s paradise, and there are certain iconic foods you simply must try during your visit. From grabbing a slice of pizza at Joe’s Pizza to enjoying a classic bagel with lox from Russ & Daughters, the city’s culinary offerings are as diverse as its population. Street food like hot dogs and pretzels are quintessential NYC experiences, but don’t overlook the city’s vibrant food truck scene for a quick and delicious meal on the go. To find the best spots, skip the tourist traps and seek out recommendations from locals, or follow your nose to the places with the longest lines—often a sure sign of great food…or at the very least, a viral sensation. And of course, visit our Where to Eat page for our curated picks!

Tips for Comfort & Convenience in New York City

Navigating the bustling streets of New York City can be exhilarating, but ensuring your comfort and convenience can make your visit all the more enjoyable. Whether you’re exploring the city on foot, using public transportation, or just trying to find a quiet spot amidst the urban hustle, a few strategic tips can go a long way.

In this section, we’ll share practical advice to help you stay comfortable and make your travels more convenient. From knowing where to find clean restrooms and the best places to take a break, to handy apps and packing essentials, these tips will help you enjoy the city with ease and comfort. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, these insights will ensure that your NYC adventure is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Dress in Layers

New York City’s weather can be notoriously unpredictable, often changing drastically throughout the day. Whether it’s a chilly morning that turns into a warm afternoon or a sudden drop in temperature as the sun sets, dressing in layers is key to staying comfortable. Layers allow you to adjust your outfit as needed, adding or removing pieces to match the current conditions. The city’s unique layout also means you’ll experience different temperatures depending on where you are—the wind can whip through certain streets, while others bask in sunlight. To navigate these changes effortlessly, always bring a light jacket or sweater, and be prepared to peel off or add layers as you explore the city.

Comfortable Shoes

Walking is the best way to experience New York City, with its endless streets full of sights, sounds, and hidden gems. However, all that walking can take a toll on your feet, making comfortable shoes an absolute necessity. Whether you’re strolling through Central Park, exploring the bustling neighborhoods of SoHo, or navigating the busy sidewalks of Midtown, a good pair of walking shoes will keep you going all day without discomfort. Opt for shoes that provide support and cushioning, and avoid new or untested footwear that could lead to blisters. Remember, in New York, comfort is king when it comes to your feet, which is why sneakers and flats have been the go-to shoe and uniform of New Yorkers.

Stay Hydrated

With so much to see and do in New York City, it’s easy to forget to stay hydrated. Carrying a reusable water bottle with you is a simple way to ensure you have access to water throughout the day. NYC offers numerous water fountains and refill stations, especially in parks and major attractions, making it easy to top up your bottle. Staying hydrated is particularly important during long days of sightseeing, especially in the summer when the heat and humidity can be intense. By keeping a water bottle handy, you’ll stay refreshed and ready to take on all the city has to offer.

Weather Apps

Given New York’s unpredictable weather, having a reliable weather app on your phone is essential. Apps like AccuWeather, The Weather Channel, or the built-in weather app on your smartphone provide real-time updates, helping you plan your day and dress appropriately. Whether you’re deciding if you need an umbrella or figuring out if it’s warm enough to leave your jacket at the hotel, a good weather app ensures you’re never caught off guard. Nothing is worse than standing under an awning, waiting for the downpour to pass and delaying your commute. With just a quick glance at your phone, you can be prepared for whatever the NYC skies have in store.

Public Wi-Fi

New York City is well-connected with public Wi-Fi spots, particularly in parks, transportation hubs, and major public spaces. These free Wi-Fi networks are great for staying connected without using up your mobile data. However, to avoid constant prompts from your phone asking to join networks, be sure to turn off the “Auto Join” feature. This way, you can connect to Wi-Fi when you want, without the annoyance of your device continuously searching for available networks. Public Wi-Fi is perfect for checking maps, finding restaurant recommendations, or sharing your latest NYC adventures on social media.

Seasonal Packing Lists

Packing for New York City can be tricky due to its distinct seasons, each with its own weather patterns. In winter, think warm coats, scarves, gloves, and boots that can handle snow and slush. Spring and fall call for versatile layers, as temperatures can vary widely throughout the day – think light jackets, hoodies, and comfortable jeans or trousers. Summer in the city can be hot and humid, so breathable clothing, sunglasses, and a hat are must-haves, along with a light rain jacket for sudden showers. Knowing what to pack for each season ensures you’re comfortable and prepared no matter when you visit, allowing you to enjoy the city without worrying about the weather.

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