As you’re packing your bags for your next big trip, it’s important to consider what you’ll want with you on your flight in your carry-on. It’s easy to get caught up in the entire act of packing and accidentally toss your headphones into your checked bag. Believe me, that’s not a mistake you’ll make twice!
Use this easy guide to maximize comfort and functionality on any flight with this complete list of essential carry-on items.
The essentials of a carry-on are pretty universal. You will, of course, need any flight information, as well as travel documents for your destination. Keep in mind most flights will ask you to write your customs form, so make sure you know where you’re staying and have the address handy. Which reminds me, you’ll need a pen!
- Passport – I like to travel with my passport, even domestically, just to have a spare form of ID on hand. If you are traveling internationally, double and triple-check for your passport before leaving the house. You won’t get through airport security without it!
- Wallet with ID, cash, and credit cards – After a slight mishap, I once traveled through three counties over 5 days without my wallet! Smartphones can work wonders now when you’re traveling, but don’t always count on them. Be sure you have a proper ID, at least two credit/debit cards, and some cash on hand before departure.
- Visas & travel documents – Traveling across the globe only to arrive without the proper visas and documents could mean deportation at your expense. You’ll want to avoid this at all costs by researching the requirements of your destination and organizing the necessary paperwork in advance.
- Valuables & jewelry, etc. – It’s best to keep your valuable close at hand instead of in your checked baggage. Jewelry, laptops, and camera gear should always go in your carry-on bags in case your checked baggage was to be lost. An easy rule of thumb – If it’s important, keep it with you.
- Ink Pen – When arriving at an international destination you will most likely need to fill out an arrival card and entry documents. Keep a pen with you to get a head start on the crowd and avoid falling to the back of the customs line.
- Medications and prescriptions – (headache, allergy, sleeping, nausea) Like your valuables, prescription medications may be difficult or impossible to replace during your trip. Always keep these in your carry-on to minimize the risk of losing them in transit.
- Basic toiletries – I always pack my toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, eye drops, chapstick, and some hand sanitizer/moisturizer along for the flight. It’s nice to freshen a little before or upon arrival, especially after a long international flight.

Anything that increases your comfort level is a good idea to bring along, especially for those longer flights. Treat yourself to a few little luxuries that will make you feel like you’re flying in first class, even when you aren’t.
- Eye mask – It never fails, when you want to get some sleep on your flight, the one person directly across the aisle leaves their shade up just enough to blind you. Pack an eye mask to block out unwanted light to help you rest.
- Pillow – If you can manage to sleep on your flight, you will arrive energized and ready to kickstart your vacation into high gear!
- Ear Plugs – Between beverage carts and crying babies, planes can be noisy. Drown out any noise with some inexpensive earplugs.
- Light jacket or sweatshirt – Temperatures fluctuate from flight to flight. Always dress in layers to help keep yourself at a comfortable temperature during your journey.
- Comfortable shoes – From security lines to finding your gate, and eventually on to baggage claim, travel days often mean you’ll be spending a lot of time on your feet. Wear a pair of comfortable shoes to make things a little easier on yourself.
- Clean socks – Most people will need to remove their shoes to walk through security screenings, which means walking on a dirty floor. All that walking around can lead to sweaty feet as well. For sanitary reasons, and to be respectful of your fellow fliers, always wear a pair of fresh, clean socks while flying.

It’s no joke that extra-long flights can get boring. You can only drink and sleep so much! I always recommend filling up an e-reader (I love my Kindle) with the New York Times best-sellers list. This should get you through a few travel days while you’re becoming a world nomad.
- Phone – Music, messaging, email, games… Your phone goes a long way towards keeping you entertained during your flight.
- Headphones and/or earbuds and adapters – Few things frustrate me more than boarding a plane and realizing I left my headphones behind or in my checked bag. Even remembering your headphones isn’t always enough though. Different input jacks mean you may need an adapter to use your headphones with the in-flight entertainment system. Check ahead of time so you aren’t disappointed!
- Laptop/tablet/e-reader – Being stationary for consecutive hours gives you a perfect opportunity to catch up on any reading you’ve been wanted to do. An e-reader is a great way to store volumes of reading material in a compact, packable device.
- Books/magazines/newspapers – If you prefer the feeling of a solid book in your hand, or turning through the pages of a magazine or newspaper, bring your favorite new reads along to help pass the time.
- Downloads – Before you board, use a wifi connection to download any music, podcasts, or audiobooks you might enjoy listening to during your flight.
- Camera gear – Don’t run the risk of expensive camera gear being lost or damaged by leaving it in your checked baggage. Be sure to pack your camera and accessories in your carry-on to fly worry-free. You can start capturing memories as soon as you land!
- Chargers, adapters, and batteries for all electronics – Not all outlets are created equal. Especially when traveling abroad or charging different types of electronics. Keep any chargers and adapters you may need with you to ensure your devices stay up and running.

Food & Drink
Whenever I’m preparing for a long flight, I like to include some of my favorite snacks. That being said, it’s respectful to bring food that doesn’t have a strong odor. Nothing is worse than the guy three rows down eating dried fish.
- Reusable water bottle – Staying hydrated on a plane is always a good practice. Reduce your use of single-use plastics and the number of times you have to flag down the flight attendant by filling up your reusable water bottle (after security) before you board the flight.
- Cocktail mixer kits – These little cocktail mixer kits are a great way to liven up your in-flight beverages. They are TSA-approved and will have you feeling first-class in no time!
- Healthy snacks or food that does not have an odor – The food on planes has come a long way, but it’s still not much to brag about. Pack some snack bars or trail mix to help curb your appetite during your flight.
Happy Flying!